View Full Version : Hibs memorabilia

Percy Vere
03-02-2023, 08:23 AM
Just wondering what Hibs stuff people have got?
Stuff that is interesting and probably nigh on impossible to get.
And would you ever part with it ?
I’ve got a 70s scarf, my first Hibs scarf.
I still wear it to games (I think it’s lucky but I’ve got zero evidence for that!)
I’ve never seen another, I would never sell it.


03-02-2023, 08:39 AM
Dark green scarf with Dryburgh Cup winners 1972.

1993 green mug with planet Saturn badge, still use it, quality must have been exceptional in these days!

Loads of press cuttings from early-mid 70s games.

Percy Vere
03-02-2023, 09:29 AM
Dark green scarf with Dryburgh Cup winners 1972.

1993 green mug with planet Saturn badge, still use it, quality must have been exceptional in these days!

Loads of press cuttings from early-mid 70s games.

Nice. 30 year old mug…very impressive.
When I was a boy I lived around the corner from Erich Schaedlers mum.
I remember plucking up the courage to knock on the door and ask if he was in for an autograph. He was in and signed a bit of paper. No selfies or anything else, don’t have the scrap of paper either. But it’s a fond memory, big hero.

03-02-2023, 09:38 AM
Nice. 30 year old mug…very impressive.
When I was a boy I lived around the corner from Erich Schaedlers mum.
I remember plucking up the courage to knock on the door and ask if he was in for an autograph. He was in and signed a bit of paper. No selfies or anything else, don’t have the scrap of paper either. But it’s a fond memory, big hero.

I lived down the road from the Schaedlers late 60s early 70s, his dad used to put the fear in me when he was involved with the boys team I played for.

03-02-2023, 09:44 AM
I've got a miniature bottle with a Hibs, subbuteo type figure in it..had it for over 50 years and never seen another one like it..my old boy bought it at some wee shop in Perth way back in the day..a treasure 💚

03-02-2023, 10:10 AM
A team signed ball from the 2012 cup final..

03-02-2023, 10:12 AM
A team signed ball from the 2012 cup final..Kick it into the Forth.

Sent from my SM-G991B using Tapatalk

Hibernian Verse
03-02-2023, 10:12 AM
Framed programme and match ticket from SC2016, with the white surround signed by Hanlon, Boyle, McGregor, Gray & Stevenson.

Same with the 2007 League Cup final prog, signed by Lewy.

03-02-2023, 10:23 AM
I've got a 1950's scarf that I still wear to the game.

https://www.hibs.net/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8UHRofHh0aHB wgJC4nICIsIxwcKDcpLDAxNDQ0Hyc5PTgyPC4zNDL/2wBDAQkJCQwLDBgNDRgyIRwhMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMj IyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjL/wgARCAEcAKADASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAGwAAAQUBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwECBAUGAAf/xAAZAQACAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIEBQP/2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAYTmLRtOKAsXS6TMR79HVZF7enNHWVigBK R8ZX3OTP0AhmAiyvG4RuC5geckWNqukqJk600c lvo9FKFjXdwkOFEayPJFl6rFOQINnHNJNcRIlf0hBxe5ZFfAEm lmcqK4u12Q3jefodbk0tWaFOoaJFV0ZNjSYrLHuSJXsf0JRGqy aoCd6JpZnnCbLGiXkUXItmEy1HJpaDHN7n16MdGpqQ58VVOakJ x4ljV9I1WpyzdHMvaLla5X6sIDo1OiZqsnrqd0J4xuNhnKoQp8 G0arWPDzkanuKTrCAwjNHL6ztFJTMrH4irXIom1uN19a60wT1b iNIIIstYso8CSHnI2d0Qe/Kn0yZO/nTK3lIoqmIhSxhjj63KaavamIQVK ZpGMWJLgtGiS4kGfN6LLWazkc27nqqKJ2syekb0OX1OUOlBf0F txloBHjZ2pKTmNIErgHBmw4jc7d012nySUt0o7kUTiD4U2FyA2 ZDNCetAVmVsm4ZGuRRJgavIqwE7Rzt7CQ1mGCBzlX7uUXI6yDj XmIOuwMB2PsAPFltc1yJwXDKikRg9PL0oM2vbk5U45uVLUE0r8 MdEAUZDVSq22ytmvlglqQ0IyJXnjnTzfDJrZA 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ABAgC9QAGAAUEABAAAAAEAAACDAAAAAgAgAIAAARAQAUAAAgDV wgBYwCABpQFOo/ayTGkgYRD8oe QOQSOUIoFgU 3ygGFE0Cf1xyi2P91Pr8qN8ekegRgfQTSAHsiYYcJ5CYlDkHl/UQQbAX/9k=

03-02-2023, 11:53 AM
Just wondering what Hibs stuff people have got?
Stuff that is interesting and probably nigh on impossible to get.
And would you ever part with it ?
I’ve got a 70s scarf, my first Hibs scarf.
I still wear it to games (I think it’s lucky but I’ve got zero evidence for that!)
I’ve never seen another, I would never sell it.



Yup - still got my scarf from Xmas 1972.

Also my ticket from the Videoton game in Szekesferhervar .

Had a Videoton FC 7 inch single and a Videoton FC carpet with their crest on it ( got it sent to my by a Videoton fan we met over there. I handed these in to the Club when I moved to NZ in 2009. No idea if they were kept - hope so 🤞

03-02-2023, 12:17 PM
A team signed ball from the 2012 cup final..

I’ve got one from Terry Butcher’s team…

Percy Vere
03-02-2023, 01:07 PM
I’ve got one from Terry Butcher’s team…

Oh dear

03-02-2023, 01:16 PM
I have the cine film of the Dryborough cup final

03-02-2023, 01:20 PM
I have the cine film of the Dryborough cup final
Upload it to YouTube. Good lad!

03-02-2023, 01:41 PM
I have a signed football lying about somewhere that I won as a youngster. I’m sure it’s from the 2000/2001 squad and has signatures from Sauzee, Matty Jack, Laursen etc. Fairly certain the signatures are still quite visible even though the ball is flat.

The signed shirt from the relegated Butcher team is a less favourable item that may have “gone missing” at some point [emoji28]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-02-2023, 01:44 PM
Signed Scottish Cup Final teamsheet by Stubbsy and Leeann.

Every hibs top from 1997.

03-02-2023, 02:02 PM
A team signed ball from the 2012 cup final..

Lol, so have I. F**** knows why I’ve kept it but it doesn’t see the light of day!!

Also got a framed 2016 shirt with some players signatures on it. It wasn’t worn in the final though. I recognise some signatures but can’t make out the others.

joe t
03-02-2023, 02:04 PM
I’m thinking about selling my old hibs tops but have no idea how much they will fetch. Any good reference points? ‘Buy now’ on eBay doesn’t really give an accurate picture…

03-02-2023, 02:24 PM
I have a replica Jersey that was thrown away on the Terraces in 2012...I picked it up, was an unlucky charm in 2013 when it was with me and left it at home in 2016 for that great day...feel an attachment to it nonetheless...Griffiths and O'connor up front should have meant goals...

Edina Street
03-02-2023, 02:30 PM
I have a replica Jersey that was thrown away on the Terraces in 2012...I picked it up, was an unlucky charm in 2013 when it was with me and left it at home in 2016 for that great day...feel an attachment to it nonetheless...Griffiths and O'connor up front should have meant goals...

I picked up a total of five Hibs scarves on my way down the stairs at 1-4. In hindsight I should have hung around and help clean up.

03-02-2023, 02:35 PM
I’m thinking about selling my old hibs tops but have no idea how much they will fetch. Any good reference points? ‘Buy now’ on eBay doesn’t really give an accurate picture…

Email classic football shirts mate.

leith lynx
03-02-2023, 02:36 PM
Hampden penalty spot from that great day in May 2016, bottled and mostly now dust/soil. Priceless!

joe t
03-02-2023, 03:17 PM
Email classic football shirts mate.


03-02-2023, 03:23 PM
I had one of the match balls from the game we played in Slovenia, cant remember the team we played??

A friend of mine nicked it, what a radge. Then sold it on ebay and donated the money to some Hibs charity.

I loved that ball.

03-02-2023, 04:04 PM
Have a signed photo (black and white) of the double cup winning team in their training gear in 1972 on front of the old stand.

Signed framed strip

And a mug I got in Easter 1978…. Still using it.


03-02-2023, 04:58 PM
Ex-workmate was a neighbour of Jimmy O’Rourke.

Hearts fan.

Told me he had the Pink News for the 7-0 game signed by all 11 players somewhere in the attic.

Difficult to top that.

03-02-2023, 05:00 PM
Dark green scarf with Dryburgh Cup winners 1972.

1993 green mug with planet Saturn badge, still use it, quality must have been exceptional in these days!

Loads of press cuttings from early-mid 70s games.

I had that scarf but long gone.

Is that the one with the pin stripes on it and the full starting 11?

Percy Vere
03-02-2023, 05:38 PM
Signed Scottish Cup Final teamsheet by Stubbsy and Leeann.

Every hibs top from 1997.

That’s dedication! Second strips too?

Percy Vere
03-02-2023, 05:40 PM
I’m thinking about selling my old hibs tops but have no idea how much they will fetch. Any good reference points? ‘Buy now’ on eBay doesn’t really give an accurate picture…

Guess it depends on the shirt.
You can see sold prices on eBay.

Percy Vere
03-02-2023, 05:42 PM
Hampden penalty spot from that great day in May 2016, bottled and mostly now dust/soil. Priceless!

That reminded me I had a brick from the old away stand.
Was under the bed for years. It’s vanished now.

03-02-2023, 05:48 PM
I have an engraved green dish given to the players at the away leg of the Rosenbourg UEFA game - Sept 74. Would attach a picture if I knew how :greengrin

03-02-2023, 06:23 PM
1993 green mug with planet Saturn badge, still use it, quality must have been exceptional in these days!

And a mug I got in Easter 1978…. Still using it.


Have both and still use them.

03-02-2023, 06:39 PM
I had that scarf but long gone.

Is that the one with the pin stripes on it and the full starting 11?

Got the pin stripes but don't think it has the starting 11. It's in the loft and I'll need to dig it out some day!

03-02-2023, 07:08 PM
Got the pin stripes but don't think it has the starting 11. It's in the loft and I'll need to dig it out some day!

Mine has white pin stripes on a dark green background with white (almost a little lilac in some light) tassels - the other side is dark green with a HIBS player kicking a ball - that’s it.

03-02-2023, 07:13 PM
That’s dedication! Second strips too?

Every Home, Away and Third shirt.

Kept all mines since I was a bairn.

03-02-2023, 07:14 PM
This thread is worth my first ever post after years of just reading..lol.

I have over 40 years of strips..programmes, tickets..original Hibs Kids magazines and paperwork from the early 80s....hundreds of random stuff.

One with the best story though is that I have the programme from the Scottish cup gave v Ayr Utd that Bestie infamously didn’t turn up to having gone out on the raz with (I think) the French rugby team who were staying at the same hotel..could be wrong...I was only 8...we dropped my uncle off at Edinburgh Airport right after the game as he was flying to London on business...he sat down on the plane and the guy sitting next to him was very hungover....it was Bestie heading back having slept through the game in his hotel room....uncle still had my programme in his pocket...got him to sign it...it says ‘Best Wishes George Best’....couldn’t make it up.

03-02-2023, 07:14 PM
Every Home, Away and Third shirt.

Kept all mines since I was a bairn.

Some effort that mate. 👏

03-02-2023, 07:16 PM
2 plates with the beer mat crest
acquired from behind the goals at a function

03-02-2023, 07:21 PM
I have a few oldies that my mum kept in a box for me

85 86 home kids size
Towel with crown badge 85ish
League cup winners team mug
91 home sadly 40 42
Bukta 93 league cup final shirt replica
Loads of T-shirt and mitre kit with Saturn badge
Old scarfs crown/Saturn
Stuff from hospitality circa 98….

03-02-2023, 07:24 PM
Some effort that mate. 👏

Quite a few wouldn’t fit me now :greengrin.

03-02-2023, 07:25 PM
I have a few oldies that my mum kept in a box for me

85 86 home kids size
Towel with crown badge 85ish
League cup winners team mug
91 home sadly 40 42
Bukta 93 league cup final shirt replica
Loads of T-shirt and mitre kit with Saturn badge
Old scarfs crown/Saturn
Stuff from hospitality circa 98….

I’ve got all the Scottish Cup merchandise in a storage box up the atic.

03-02-2023, 08:43 PM
This thread is worth my first ever post after years of just reading..lol.

I have over 40 years of strips..programmes, tickets..original Hibs Kids magazines and paperwork from the early 80s....hundreds of random stuff.

One with the best story though is that I have the programme from the Scottish cup gave v Ayr Utd that Bestie infamously didn’t turn up to having gone out on the raz with (I think) the French rugby team who were staying at the same hotel..could be wrong...I was only 8...we dropped my uncle off at Edinburgh Airport right after the game as he was flying to London on business...he sat down on the plane and the guy sitting next to him was very hungover....it was Bestie heading back having slept through the game in his hotel room....uncle still had my programme in his pocket...got him to sign it...it says ‘Best Wishes George Best’....couldn’t make it up.

Brilliant :thumbsup:

john rossi
03-02-2023, 09:31 PM
Football signed on plane circa 1960 Hibs team before fair city’s second leg v Roma I was at the match in Rome which finished in a 3-3 draw. Some memory for a 73 year old heady days. Team that night was Simpson, Fraser, David, Baxter, Easton,Baird, McLeod, kinloch, Baker,Preston, Ormand:flag:

03-02-2023, 09:33 PM
Got a signed long sleeve match worn number 5 top from the first division campaign under Big Eck. Know ides who's it was, possibly Dennis?

Also got Freddie Arpinon's cup final boots from the 2001 season. I was at the after party and on the eay to Eros with a few others and he was trying to get in his motor after a few shandies! We put him in a taxi, tried to drop him off home but he was having none of it and wanted to go clubbing. I had to put the boots in the cloakroom too!!

03-02-2023, 09:36 PM
This thread is worth my first ever post after years of just reading..lol.

I have over 40 years of strips..programmes, tickets..original Hibs Kids magazines and paperwork from the early 80s....hundreds of random stuff.

One with the best story though is that I have the programme from the Scottish cup gave v Ayr Utd that Bestie infamously didn’t turn up to having gone out on the raz with (I think) the French rugby team who were staying at the same hotel..could be wrong...I was only 8...we dropped my uncle off at Edinburgh Airport right after the game as he was flying to London on business...he sat down on the plane and the guy sitting next to him was very hungover....it was Bestie heading back having slept through the game in his hotel room....uncle still had my programme in his pocket...got him to sign it...it says ‘Best Wishes George Best’....couldn’t make it up.

Brilliant story but very sad, a flawed genius indeed

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04-02-2023, 04:34 AM
Football signed on plane circa 1960 Hibs team before fair city’s second leg v Roma I was at the match in Rome which finished in a 3-3 draw. Some memory for a 73 year old heady days. Team that night was Simpson, Fraser, David, Baxter, Easton,Baird, McLeod, kinloch, Baker,Preston, Ormand:flag:

Wow, that is very impressive. ��

Trinity Hibee
04-02-2023, 05:32 AM
Football signed on plane circa 1960 Hibs team before fair city’s second leg v Roma I was at the match in Rome which finished in a 3-3 draw. Some memory for a 73 year old heady days. Team that night was Simpson, Fraser, David, Baxter, Easton,Baird, McLeod, kinloch, Baker,Preston, Ormand:flag:

Brilliant. What a game to have seen!

04-02-2023, 06:37 AM
Ex-workmate was a neighbour of Jimmy O’Rourke.

Hearts fan.

Told me he had the Pink News for the 7-0 game signed by all 11 players somewhere in the attic.

Difficult to top that.

If it was signed by the Hearts players then it could be 😂

Percy Vere
04-02-2023, 07:55 AM
Every Home, Away and Third shirt.

Kept all mines since I was a bairn.

Can’t be many collections like that.
👏 👏 👏

Percy Vere
04-02-2023, 07:59 AM
This thread is worth my first ever post after years of just reading..lol.

I have over 40 years of strips..programmes, tickets..original Hibs Kids magazines and paperwork from the early 80s....hundreds of random stuff.

One with the best story though is that I have the programme from the Scottish cup gave v Ayr Utd that Bestie infamously didn’t turn up to having gone out on the raz with (I think) the French rugby team who were staying at the same hotel..could be wrong...I was only 8...we dropped my uncle off at Edinburgh Airport right after the game as he was flying to London on business...he sat down on the plane and the guy sitting next to him was very hungover....it was Bestie heading back having slept through the game in his hotel room....uncle still had my programme in his pocket...got him to sign it...it says ‘Best Wishes George Best’....couldn’t make it up.

Brilliant, poor George (what a player and man, tough life)
Worth starting the thread for stories like this.
Keep posting mate.

04-02-2023, 08:17 AM
This thread is worth my first ever post after years of just reading..lol.

I have over 40 years of strips..programmes, tickets..original Hibs Kids magazines and paperwork from the early 80s....hundreds of random stuff.

One with the best story though is that I have the programme from the Scottish cup gave v Ayr Utd that Bestie infamously didn’t turn up to having gone out on the raz with (I think) the French rugby team who were staying at the same hotel..could be wrong...I was only 8...we dropped my uncle off at Edinburgh Airport right after the game as he was flying to London on business...he sat down on the plane and the guy sitting next to him was very hungover....it was Bestie heading back having slept through the game in his hotel room....uncle still had my programme in his pocket...got him to sign it...it says ‘Best Wishes George Best’....couldn’t make it up.

Ha. I like that a lot!

Worth holding off 5 years for your debut post!

Sherlock Jones
04-02-2023, 01:54 PM
Tom Soares signed and framed home shirt :greengrin

04-02-2023, 02:25 PM
In something like 1997 I stayed at a B&B on Coll with my wife and it just happened to be run by a Mr and Mrs Houchen. We got talking about Hibs and Keith Houchen's dad gave me Houchie's Hibs clubs jacket and tie. I don't think he was that bothered about keeping them. The jacket had "T McIntyre" inked on the inside pocket!! Strictly speaking I'm cheating with this thread because I don't have them anymore - a few years ago I passed them to the Hibs Historical Trust.

04-02-2023, 03:03 PM
I've got the Real Madrid programme signed by manager Jock Stein.
But it would take a huge offer to make me part with it.
What a night that was.

Percy Vere
04-02-2023, 06:09 PM
I've got the Real Madrid programme signed by manager Jock Stein.
But it would take a huge offer to make me part with it.
What a night that was.

That’s got to be rare with it being signed by Jock.
I wouldn’t sell it

04-02-2023, 06:15 PM
Owain Tudur Jones match worn shirt v Malmö signed by the team 🤦

04-02-2023, 06:20 PM
Got the pin stripes but don't think it has the starting 11. It's in the loft and I'll need to dig it out some day!

If you ever dig it out would really appreciate if you post a photo of it.

It may be different from the one i had, if yours does not have the team on it. Mine had the full starting eleven and sure it had gold or silver tassels at each end. Was just plain green at the back.

I remember it was lovely quality. Not wool. Almost a silk feel to it.

Was my first ever Hibs scarf. I was 6 or 7 when I got it. Lost in a house move in the late 70's.

Was great reading your post as it rekindled a scarf I remember fondly.

04-02-2023, 06:28 PM
Owain Tudur Jones match worn shirt v Malmö signed by the team [emoji1751]

Burn it

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04-02-2023, 06:34 PM
From the Scottish Cup win I've boxed away the scarf I wore, the ticket stub and the progamme.

Also in the box is a sealed envelope with a handful of grass from the Hampden pitch.

In the box is as also the Persevered T shirt and the pair of socks I wore on the day. Socks are green with black and white pin stripes.

What a day that was.

04-02-2023, 07:02 PM
Signed, framed shirt from last season.

The sort that Ben Williams wore for his press unveiling, signed

A 11/12 home shirt signed by Ian Murray, Patrick Viera, and Robert Pires

Donegal Hibby
04-02-2023, 08:43 PM
Preston North end fan gave me ' Richie Towells ' Hibs training jacket one time ,I've still got it . Guys wife is a relative of Towell .

Forza Fred
04-02-2023, 09:20 PM
I’ve got a plaster of Paris small Hibs Paddington Bear ornament.

Got it Easter Road when back in 1982…so he’s getting on a bit!

It cost two quid…and think it was then Hibs Secretary, Cecil Graham who served me.

Had another one,, but it was left outside for a while and succumbed to the weather conditions.

04-02-2023, 09:55 PM
Best I can muster in terms of quirky Hibs things would be the 1970s Subbuteo Team (unboxed but intact) and an 05/06 Home shirt with the sponsor (White & MacKay) on a green background as opposed to the blue - have often wondered how this came about (it’s not ‘washed out’, it’s a solid green)
Not as impressive as many of the others in this thread but good enough for me!

04-02-2023, 10:07 PM
Best I can muster in terms of quirky Hibs things would be the 1970s Subbuteo Team (unboxed but intact) and an 05/06 Home shirt with the sponsor (White & MacKay) on a green background as opposed to the blue - have often wondered how this came about (it’s not ‘washed out’, it’s a solid green)
Not as impressive as many of the others in this thread but good enough for me!

I’ve every hibs top from 2015 to now on subbuteo as well as the 1970s official team, wouldn’t sell them for all the money in the world

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Percy Vere
05-02-2023, 09:37 AM
I’ve every hibs top from 2015 to now on subbuteo as well as the 1970s official team, wouldn’t sell them for all the money in the world

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sure you would!
Then you could buy them back again! 😇

05-02-2023, 10:11 AM
Some great stuff on here, I'm jealous[emoji16]

I need to be careful about Hibs memorabilia in case the wife gets to see.

My highlights in an eclectic collection built up over decades include my "lucky" hat, rosette and scarf with the old crown badge from the 1972 league cup final win, programmes from the defeats of Real Madrid and Napoli, the Napoli one is covered in autographs from the night and 0-7 programme with a note from Alan Gordon.

Original press photos of Bestie signing, Pat Stanton carrying the League cup outside the North British, Gordon Smith scoring against Hearts on New Years Day and one of the fight scene that saw Souness making his debut and getting sent off at Easter Road.

Framed photo and ticket from 2016 including some rather fragile grass.

Tip of an iceberg I've no intention of changing[emoji16]

Very enjoyable thread.

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Peanut Shaz
05-02-2023, 12:22 PM
Mentioned it on here before that Joe McClelland who played for Hibs late 50's early 60's was my Father in Law. Husband has a box of various Hibs memorabilia from this time, some of it probably quite rare. He keeps meaning to get in touch with the historical trust to see if they would like any of it but has never got round to it.

05-02-2023, 12:35 PM
If you ever dig it out would really appreciate if you post a photo of it.

It may be different from the one i had, if yours does not have the team on it. Mine had the full starting eleven and sure it had gold or silver tassels at each end. Was just plain green at the back.

I remember it was lovely quality. Not wool. Almost a silk feel to it.

Was my first ever Hibs scarf. I was 6 or 7 when I got it. Lost in a house move in the late 70's.

Was great reading your post as it rekindled a scarf I remember fondly.

Aye will do 👍

05-02-2023, 02:16 PM
Best I can muster in terms of quirky Hibs things would be the 1970s Subbuteo Team (unboxed but intact) and an 05/06 Home shirt with the sponsor (White & MacKay) on a green background as opposed to the blue - have often wondered how this came about (it’s not ‘washed out’, it’s a solid green)
Not as impressive as many of the others in this thread but good enough for me!

I've got a custom made Hibs Hearts "subbuteo" set signed by Pat Stanton

05-02-2023, 02:19 PM
Got a few seats from the old west stand one number 62

05-02-2023, 02:21 PM
Yup - still got my scarf from Xmas 1972.

Also my ticket from the Videoton game in Szekesferhervar .

Had a Videoton FC 7 inch single and a Videoton FC carpet with their crest on it ( got it sent to my by a Videoton fan we met over there. I handed these in to the Club when I moved to NZ in 2009. No idea if they were kept - hope so 🤞

I've got the programme from that game and a red/blue scarf that I swapped my Hibs scarf for after the game.

I'm not sure why I agreed to the swap, must have been the euphoria of the result. Either that or the 9% beer. :hmmm:

05-02-2023, 02:24 PM
I had one of the match balls from the game we played in Slovenia, cant remember the team we played??

A friend of mine nicked it, what a radge. Then sold it on ebay and donated the money to some Hibs charity.

I loved that ball.

:faf: Twat!

Bridge hibs
05-02-2023, 02:31 PM
Got my scottish cup final programme along with the pink news cup winning edition. In the loft I have a couple of Third Lanark v hibs programmes given to me years ago by my Uncle but not much else

05-02-2023, 02:33 PM
Not really memorabilia but I've 2 tickets for hibs v hamiltom 3 years ago bought the tickets then we went into lockdown didn't get my money back as I thought it would help hamiltom relegate hearts and in a roundabout way it did.

05-02-2023, 02:44 PM
- Signed top from 2012-13 team
- Father in law gave me his scarf with 73-73 team on it.
- Signed picture of Lawrie Reilly
- Hibs pint glass, old crown badge. Still remember getting it in the Hibs club after 1991 Hibs Kids Christmas party and still use it.
-Pat Stanton Hibs dream team book signed by Pat, Lawrie Reilly
-Still wear my Hibs scarf i got on Easter Road before a Scottish Cup game against Partick in 1992.
- programmes for the 80s-2000s
- signed ball (x1 Skol Cup Squad & 1 from 2010)

05-02-2023, 04:01 PM
Mentioned it on here before that Joe McClelland who played for Hibs late 50's early 60's was my Father in Law. Husband has a box of various Hibs memorabilia from this time, some of it probably quite rare. He keeps meaning to get in touch with the historical trust to see if they would like any of it but has never got round to it.

We’d love to have a look!

05-02-2023, 04:14 PM
Not really memorable stuff but am I right the HOH concert/rally at the Usher hall (which I was there) Jim Diamond played

05-02-2023, 04:19 PM
Not really memorable stuff but am I right the HOH concert/rally at the Usher hall (which I was there) Jim Diamond played

He did

05-02-2023, 04:41 PM
He did


05-02-2023, 04:42 PM
I've got a custom made Hibs Hearts "subbuteo" set signed by Pat Stanton

If you’re ever thinking of selling…[emoji6]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Peanut Shaz
05-02-2023, 04:44 PM
We’d love to have a look!

Okay. I'll do the nagging wife thing and get him to look it all out and contact you.

05-02-2023, 04:59 PM
Not really memorabilia, just a quirky thing that i still have. A Hibs cell phone cover for the 1st phone i owned (Nokia 3310). Loved using it in front of certain people over here.:greengrin

ancient hibee
05-02-2023, 06:20 PM
Still have the autograph book I had as a kid so have the autographs of most of our great 1950s players and quite a few from other Scottish and English clubs of the day. Got some by running onto the pitch at full time but most from waiting to catch them coming out to go home.
Also in 1950s bought a dark green scarf from Clinkscales in Junction Street. Lost it in the early 1970s and bought another one from Clinkscales-think he took it from the same box! It's like me now-well worn.

05-02-2023, 06:58 PM
I now wish I kept my old programmes. Had all the home European games from the 60s and 70s and the Real Madrid game. The 7 Nil game signed by Jimmy. I also had the 100 years of Hibs book signed by all the Tornadoes and the boss, unfortunately ruined by a water leak. Had 20 hibs badges from Gilzean who had a shop next to the halfway house pub.

at last 61
05-02-2023, 09:27 PM
Too many to mention,7-0 programme,a certain legends signed top, and the cup final winners fully autographed top, but don't ask me why but it was signed on the back,I suppose there won't be another one with all the signature's on the back 😁

05-02-2023, 09:38 PM
I had a jambo Uncle who was in Split Yugoslavia on holiday and very kindly walked up to the Stadium and bought me a programme for the Hajduk Split v Hibernian ECWC Quarter Final pre match

A very nice man.


Percy Vere
05-02-2023, 11:01 PM
Mentioned it on here before that Joe McClelland who played for Hibs late 50's early 60's was my Father in Law. Husband has a box of various Hibs memorabilia from this time, some of it probably quite rare. He keeps meaning to get in touch with the historical trust to see if they would like any of it but has never got round to it.

Bound to be interesting stuff. Sure they would love to have a look.

06-02-2023, 09:40 AM
I think I've mentioned this before, but my season ticket book for season 2000-01 is book no 00001. I've still got it, along with many others.
Digital cards just ain't the same.

06-02-2023, 09:44 AM
I have a mug with the old badge banned by the Lord Lyons office.

06-02-2023, 11:37 AM
I've got loads of stuff ... Hibs programmes (2000+), Hibs Tops (60), 40 years worth of Season tickets, Pennants, Signed Balls, Books, Club Blazer & Tie etc. and an old Bukta Drill Top & Mitre training gear from the early 90's, I thought they were great.


06-02-2023, 06:27 PM
I've got a full mint set of every programme from the cup run. Along side team sheets and the playing cards collection.

I've got loads of hibs stuff but that's my favourite.

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06-02-2023, 07:44 PM
Have both and still use them.

And a Skol Cup mug. Don't know how I forgot that one given I've been using it for over thirty years and it's not a difficult date for me to remember.

Percy Vere
06-02-2023, 11:32 PM
I've got loads of stuff ... Hibs programmes (2000+), Hibs Tops (60), 40 years worth of Season tickets, Pennants, Signed Balls, Books, Club Blazer & Tie etc. and an old Bukta Drill Top & Mitre training gear from the early 90's, I thought they were great.


Could start a shop!

07-02-2023, 08:02 AM
Best I can muster in terms of quirky Hibs things would be the 1970s Subbuteo Team (unboxed but intact) and an 05/06 Home shirt with the sponsor (White & MacKay) on a green background as opposed to the blue - have often wondered how this came about (it’s not ‘washed out’, it’s a solid green)
Not as impressive as many of the others in this thread but good enough for me!
How did you come across the home top and do you have a photo, that would be interesting to see!

I was after the 04/05 white away top in good condition for years and I managed to get one on eBay last year, I’m wary about wearing it though as the blue shield was notorious for peeling in the wash

07-02-2023, 11:21 AM
Got this from outside the Windsor - a nice reminder of a Sunday after a Saturday at the fitba


Lester B
07-02-2023, 11:56 AM
I've got a picture of George Best taken from a Shoot magazine which the great man signed for me.

I've got my dad's Hibs scrapbooks from the 50s which are his old schoolbooks with scores detailed and pictures cut out from newspapers. Probably not worth anything but priceless to me.

My dad also had a pair of Lawrie Reilly's boots which he won in a competition in 1957 but those were donated to the Club about 15 years ago

07-02-2023, 12:21 PM
- Loads of cards dating back to 1900's
- Original 70's Hibs shirt, my own as a kid
- Press photos of Gordon Smith
- Timex watch given to the Osters team to mark our UEFA Cup game in October 1976
- Original Tom Curr sketch of a Hibs win at Tynecastle in the 1930's
- Few glass plate negatives around the 1950's

07-02-2023, 12:30 PM
I've got a picture of George Best taken from a Shoot magazine which the great man signed for me.

Ah that reminds me, I've got a signed black and white photo of Bestie which he gave me in Jinglin Geordies. Cue Gordon Rae saying "do you no want one of me?!" Unfortunately the big man didn't have any :greengrin

Hibernian Verse
07-02-2023, 12:44 PM
Got this from outside the Windsor - a nice reminder of a Sunday after a Saturday at the fitba


That's the day after we got pumped at Hampden. Hope that doesn't ruin it for you :greengrin

07-02-2023, 12:59 PM
How did you come across the home top and do you have a photo, that would be interesting to see!

I was after the 04/05 white away top in good condition for years and I managed to get one on eBay last year, I’m wary about wearing it though as the blue shield was notorious for peeling in the wash

Came across it in a charity shop a few years ago. I’ll dig it out and do the photo thing next couple of days or so.

07-02-2023, 01:02 PM
That's the day after we got pumped at Hampden. Hope that doesn't ruin it for you :greengrin

No its not or am i missing something?

07-02-2023, 02:18 PM
No its not or am i missing something?

I was wondering that too. It was one of the best afternoons of my life!

Off the bar
07-02-2023, 03:54 PM
Hopefully the attached picture works!

My dad got me the Scotsman board from out side the newsagent after the 6-2 game. ‘Hearts left stunned as Hibs hit six’ I had this blue tacked up in my bedroom as a kid. I’ve got it framed and hanging in my studio now. Makes me smile every time I look at it.

Lancs Harp
07-02-2023, 03:58 PM
Ive got all our European home match programmes.
Non Hibs ive got all but two England v Scotland programmes since WW2 including the World Cup final 1967 :) signed by all three Scottish scorers Law, Lennox and McCalliog.

07-02-2023, 07:23 PM
Have both and still use them.
Can't compete for age but I still have and use this one...


The Pointer
07-02-2023, 09:29 PM
I've got a mug with what I call the 'rugby ball' or 'Saturn' crest from the 90s, a ball autographed by le God and the team which I won at his reception after he left and my genuine 1972 replica Hibs strip which I wore to the League Cup Final.

However, the only totally unique item I have is a piece of Hampden turf from 2016 encased in resin and inscribed with the date etc. Miss P. worked at the time for a company which did mementoes for some of the big English teams who dug up their pitches to sell to their fans and they kindly preserved my wee bit of history for all time.

The Pointer
07-02-2023, 10:13 PM
I had a jambo Uncle who was in Split Yugoslavia on holiday and very kindly walked up to the Stadium and bought me a programme for the Hajduk Split v Hibernian ECWC Quarter Final pre match

A very nice man.

I remember listening to that game on the radio and thinking it was so far away. I finally got there when we were on holiday a few years ago and just happened to have my Hibs strip for a photo.

If you can allow a thread drift, the only other things I've got are old Scotland programmes and tickets from my travels such as official programmes from the 1990, 1986 and 1974 World Cups which I went to, the last mentioned signed by Rod Stewart, Junior Campbell and Bill 'Easy, Easy' Martin who were sitting along from us. Changed days but at least Shades and John Blackley were playing.

Wee story from Italia '90 is that, despite the shambolic ticket arrangements, we got into all three Scotland games yet only had tickets for the Costa Rica one. The Brazil game only took a bottle of Laphroaig and we were in. :wink::greengrin

This is a great thread and I feel quite unworthy compared to some folk.

08-02-2023, 08:30 AM
I remember listening to that game on the radio and thinking it was so far away. I finally got there when we were on holiday a few years ago and just happened to have my Hibs strip for a photo.

If you can allow a thread drift, the only other things I've got are old Scotland programmes and tickets from my travels such as official programmes from the 1990, 1986 and 1974 World Cups which I went to, the last mentioned signed by Rod Stewart, Junior Campbell and Bill 'Easy, Easy' Martin who were sitting along from us. Changed days but at least Shades and John Blackley were playing.

Wee story from Italia '90 is that, despite the shambolic ticket arrangements, we got into all three Scotland games yet only had tickets for the Costa Rica one. The Brazil game only took a bottle of Laphroaig and we were in. :wink::greengrin

This is a great thread and I feel quite unworthy compared to some folk.

Was at all three Italia ‘90 and behind the goals when JC stuck his penalty away against Brazil ‘98

Seems like a lifetime ago

Got the programmes for both

Percy Vere
08-02-2023, 10:52 AM
Hopefully the attached picture works!

My dad got me the Scotsman board from out side the newsagent after the 6-2 game. ‘Hearts left stunned as Hibs hit six’ I had this blue tacked up in my bedroom as a kid. I’ve got it framed and hanging in my studio now. Makes me smile every time I look at it.

Very nice

08-02-2023, 11:21 AM
One of my favourites stillhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20230208/d9d91574d37e94de5701afa2cc700dfe.jpg

Sent from my SM-A750FN using Tapatalk

Scouse Hibee
08-02-2023, 11:56 AM
One of the tracksuit tops worn by the players in Lewis’s testimonial.

Off the bar
08-02-2023, 07:11 PM
One of my favourites stillhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20230208/d9d91574d37e94de5701afa2cc700dfe.jpg

Sent from my SM-A750FN using Tapatalk

That’s a belter.

Percy Vere
12-02-2023, 12:08 PM
Really enjoyed this thread. Some great stuff out there.

12-02-2023, 06:12 PM
Well over 250 matchworns/issued shirts from 70’s onwards.

Highlights include a couple of Sauzee shirts.

My wee man was just gifted a signed George Best programme.

Loads of other bits and piece. Could be here all day listing them.

13-02-2023, 02:28 PM
This clock is roughly forty years old and still works, but is banished to the cupboard in my mammy's house because it ticks!


Percy Vere
13-02-2023, 04:29 PM
This clock is roughly forty years old and still works, but is banished to the cupboard in my mammy's house because it ticks!


Get it on the wall

13-02-2023, 07:15 PM
This clock is roughly forty years old and still works, but is banished to the cupboard in my mammy's house because it ticks!

26463Ticking clocks? Whatever next, I can't blame Petrie for this one as non ticking clocks must surely have been cheaper to make.

Get it on the wall it's a proper survivor

Sent from my SM-A750FN using Tapatalk

13-02-2023, 07:51 PM
I have Hibs Corinthian figures from the 1990s. Keith Wright, Pat McGinlay and Kevin Harper all boxed and unopened. I used to love these wee figures.


Edina Street
25-04-2023, 08:27 AM
Just looking at some Hibernian antiques available on the internet, and there are a few interesting items.




27-04-2023, 09:44 PM
Just looking at some Hibernian antiques available on the internet, and there are a few interesting items.




What website are these on?

I have quite a few bits and bobs but, if I'm honest, my favourite thing is my seat from the old East Stand. I remember having to clean chewing off from underneath, and it just looks like a crappy bit of plastic but I love it!

27-04-2023, 09:58 PM
I have original scarf with the stripes from the 70's and a bottle of whisky which if I remember is from the 90's

28-04-2023, 06:39 PM
100 years of Hibs book signed by players is my only real bit of memorabilia.